PM Academy is our after school care program for families who have children enrolled at Flint Hills Christian School in grades Kindergarten through 6th. Please note this program excludes Pre-Kindergarten students.
PM Academy students are checked in at 3:45 PM and are to be picked up by 5:30 PM. We do not have PM Academy on early dismissal days. Our general daily schedule for PM Academy is as follows:
General PM Academy Schedule
- 3:40-4:30 – Students are supervised outside on the playground (unless inclement weather)
- 4:30-5:00 – Students eat snack inside (brought from home) and quietly read or complete homework (A PM Academy Supervisor is available to help students with homework support)
- 5:00-5:30 – Students may play educational computer games, board games, or make a craft
Parents should check with the PM Academy Supervisor when they come to pick up their child. If there are no students visible outside, please check the sign on the front door as it will reflect their pick-up location. The office staff will calculate the fee and bill families at the end of each month.
PM Academy Fees (determined by when child is signed out)
- Billing begins at 3:45 PM.
- $5 per hour, calculated to the quarter hour.
- For example, it costs $1.25 per child from 3:45 PM – 4:00 PM.
To respect the time of our PM Academy Staff, we will charge $2.00 for every minute beyond 5:30 PM.
Parents must communicate changes to their normal pickup schedule to the front office staff prior to 3:45 PM. In cases where there is a last-minute change in who is picking up, the PM Academy supervisor will contact the parent via the front office phone by 5:30 PM. Verbal clearance must be obtained prior to releasing child(ren) to another adult. Only exception is if that person is on the student’s contact list. Text messages between you and your child are not sufficient notice to authorize last minute changes.
$5 per hour, calculated to the quarter hour.
To respect the time of our PM Academy Staff, we will charge $2.00 for every minute beyond 5:30 PM.