Here are the steps to log into the FACTS LMS, one of the Learning Management Systems our school will now begin using much more, in addition to a few other systems that some teachers may also continue using.
First, be aware that even though the FACTS LMS is administered through the same company (formerly Renweb) at which you log into Family Portal, you do NOT log into it using your usual Portal log in, and the login credentials for the LMS are separate (not necessarily the same) as your username for Family Portal. Knowing that, follow the steps below.
1. Go to Lms.renweb.com in your browser window to log in (not the usual factsmgt.com site).
2. Put in the usual school district code: fhcs-ks
3. Read below to see what username has been assigned to your student or child (which you will use as parents to log in as well).
For most families (who have never logged in this way before), we newly assigned a LMS username using the following rule: student’s first initial followed by full last name (no spaces). And it isn’t case sensitive. So somebody with the name Bob Smith would be assigned: bsmith and for any families with kids sharing the same initials, the full first name was used. For all the newly assigned names, we gave the same temporary password (which you will immediately be forced to change): abcd1234
Some exceptions to the rule included students who had already experimented in the system prior to now when a few classes tried it out. The credentials for those students were left unchanged – so they may still log in as before if they can. If anybody has trouble signing in, email mbitikofer@fhcsks.org and I can make sure your credentials are what you think they should be.
None of this changes your usual login to Family Portal which remains as it was before.
4. Once in, you should see the various courses or elementary subjects in which your teachers will be posting their materials. You may not see much there yet as teachers are rapidly ramping up this week to get material there. Practice logging in, and before long you should see welcoming messages from teachers before too long, if they aren’t already there. You can click the individual subjects / courses to access any forthcoming course content.