National Dog Biscuit Day Celebration & Fundraiser

by | Feb 12, 2021

Grab your furry friend and bring him/her on campus during drop-off and pick-up times on Tuesday, February 23rd!


Not only will this be a chance to show off your cute canine but you can spoil your pup with the purchase of homemade biscuits courtesy of Caeden Kephart. All proceeds will be donated back to the school. 

Here’s how to order your homemade dog biscuits… 

  1. Pre-order your biscuits by filling out the form here by Sunday, February 21st. 
  2. Drop payment by the office now through February 23rd. Cash or check accepted. Make checks payable to Flint Hills Christian School with Dog Biscuits in the memo line. 
  3. Receive your order during drop-off (7:40 AM – 8:05 AM) and/or pick-up (3:30 PM – 3:45 PM) times with your pup on Tuesday, February 23rd. Please park then walk up to the order pick-up area that will be easily visible.


Thank you for supporting Caeden and Flint Hills Christian School!

Caeden, pictured below on the left, is already busy whipping up the biscuits and is very eager to distribute them to FHCS pups. Mr. Boarman, the para professional that works with Caeden on job skills is pictured on the right, has been helping him through the baking process. What a fun way to learn skills and raise money at the same time!