8th Annual GROW Green Match Day
Dear Families,
The 8th Annual GROW GREEN Match Day will take place on April 22, 2020, but will be a little different this year. This year’s event will be a Virtual Match Day AND your gifts can be used for our immediate needs. With your help, we could secure up to $10,000 in matching funds for our endowment at GMCF!
Grow Green Match Day on Wednesday, April 22 holds incredible opportunity for Flint Hills Christian School. In past years, the Greater Manhattan Community Foundation has matched donations made to our endowment—our long-term savings— and we could receive up to a $10,000 match for immediate needs. The COVID-19 pandemic has turned our world upside down, so in response, GMCF is turning things upside down too. This year all gifts given by donors can come directly to our organization for operating costs. The 50% match (up to $10,000) will go into our endowed fund.
- Make a donation online or by mail.
Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Time: 12 a.m. – 11:59 p.m.
Place: NO LIVE EVENT - Online gifts made between 12:00 a.m. – 11:59 p.m. on April 22 will qualify for match dollars.
Please go to growgreenmanhattan.com to make online gifts. - Individual contributions ranging from $25 to $1,000 per organization will receive a local match at $.50 per $1, so a
$1,000 gift will receive a $500 local match. If a donor gives a $5,000 gift split evenly between five organizations,
each group is eligible to receive a $500 match. - You may donate in two ways: by mailing a check, or online using a credit card.
Check Gifts:
1. Download the 2020 GROW Green Giving Form (available at www.growgreenmanhattan.com)
2. Print and complete the form
3. Write ONE check for the entire donation made out to GMCF
4. Mail the check and donation form (postmarked on or before 4/22/20) to GMCF, P.O. Box 1127, Manhattan, KS 66505-1127
Credit Card Gifts:
Visit growgreenmanhattan.com between 12:00 am – 11:59 pm on April 22 (The homepage will change during that 24 hour period to the giving page.)
Keeping tuition cost to parents at minimum is a priority for our school. However, there are expenses over and above our tuition rate with the difference being made up by individual and corporate contributions and special fundraising events – like this. Thank you!
Joshua Snyder, Administrator